kali ni oleh Fastrack.terima kasih la ye... (^_^)
1.What is the relationship of you and him/her?
-He is my junior at my school,Seratas. Can be my bro,can be my fren or both.
2. Your impressions towards him/her.
-Xtau nak kate cam ne.Ok je.Junior yg baek bg aku.
3. The most memorable things he/she had done for you.
-pe dia buat utk aku ek??Disebabkan dia junior aku,so dia jadi mangsa buli aku la kot.hehe
*Soklan no 4 aku xtau la mane pi.next je la -->
5. If he/she become your lover, you will..
-Minta clash trus.xmo2.minta jauh la...
6. If he/she become your enemy, you will...
-Aku tembak ngan M16 kalo bleh.haha.xmo ar enemy2. kalo nk jadi gak,jadila.Janji jgn kaco idup aku.:P
*Mane pi lak soklan no7 ngan no8??haih..next2!!-->
9. The most desirable thing to do on him/her is..
-Lepak2 sambil gebang diwaktu malam bersama amad di dorm A1-1.Really miss that time (^_^)
10. The overall impression of him/her is...
-Unsangkarable...Faris,ko penah dgr istilah ni?
11. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
- Don't know.Just be myself. ape korg rase ek tentang aku??
12. The character of you for yourself is?
-Friendly.Saya suka berkawan.budak2 pun layan je.budak2 ar best.haha (^_^)
13. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
-Saya pemalaz (*_*)
14. The most ideal person that you wanna be is?
-Be myself. Just perbaiki diri dari yg buruk kepada yg baik.
15. For the people who likes you, say something to them.
-Ade ke org suke aku?? Trimas!!
16. 8 people to tag:
1. Amad Hasif
2. Safwan
3. Azlan
4. Faizura
5. Azura
6. Faris si pengetag.haha (Aku kejam)
7. Anis
8. Syazwan
17. who is no. 2 having a relationship with?
-entah.biarlah rahsia.
18. Is no. 3 a male or a female?
-Male = Lelaki
19. If no. 7 and no. 8 were together, would it be a good thing?
-huh.Cam menarik je.hehe
20. How about no. 5 and 6?
-Diorg xde kaitan pape.Just sedare seIslam.
21. What is no. 1 studying about?
-Amik aliran sains tulen kat SERATAS tanpa amik subjek EST.
22.Is no. 4 single?
-No more i think.kan2??
23. Say something about no. 2.
-He is my BEST FRIENDS (^_^)
So,takat ni je la tagged yg aku nak jawab.
Malaz tul la.Nasib baek pendek je.
Kepada yg kene tagged,ikutla nk jawab ke tak.Aku berbesar hati kalo korg jawab dan terima kasih diucapkan.
P/s: No more tagged pas ni.Pliz!!malaz nk jawab lar....
ooooo..tag kite tok seh wat ye?
nak kena rotan nih!
Haha..maaf la ek cikpenna.
tagged tu pnjg sgt seyh..
malaz2...lagipun cam terlalu personal.hehe...lupekan (^_^)
Ni last la kot... :P
xbaek rotan2... (^_^)
nash, tu kenyataan berbahaya tu. huhu. ko nk ad org mengamuk ke? :P
nway, aku pun da byk kali jwb tag yg same so kali ni aku terpaksa pass je la eh. sorry. aku pun malas gak jwb tag byk sgt. :P
bley bg lg ni nmpaknye..hua33
to anis:-->ok.xpe...xwajib.kalo ko rase nk jawab..jawab je.xnak xpe la....saje isi mase lapang.
to faris:-->sama2 la ek...nk bg lagi??terima kasih je la..hehe
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